Natural hair essential tools you need

Have you decided to join the natural hair gang yet or you are already in? If you have decided to join, welcome and if you are already in hope you are enjoying it. For the sake of those of you who have joined or are joining the team, I like to share with you some essential tools needed in order to make your hair journey fun and hair easy to manage and maintain.

That is why I have put together in this post, some of the tools you will need. Sit back, grab a coffee and enjoy reading.



Combs are very essential when it comes to managing your kinky natural hair, you might be like, of course who doesn’t know, yeah that’s true everyone one knows we all need combs, but have you thought of the right kind of combs to use? If yes Great!, if your answer is no, I am here for you. Wide tooth De-tangling comb is your number 1 comb to consider, it makes de-tangling less painful and also reduces breakage. Rat tail comb is another must have comb when it comes to parting of your hair and you want a defined line.

Another important thing that shouldn’t be forgotten is a satin bonnet or scarf. Using a satin bonnet when going to bed would keep your hair moisturized and also give you a better looking and healthier hair and keeps your hair in place. Some people also opt for a satin pillow case and that is fine too if you only want to retain moisture in your hair.

This plays a role when deep conditioning your hair. plastic caps, when used during deep conditioning allows your hair to hold in moisture, because heat from your body or specifically your head helps open up your hair follicles to absorb ingredients from your deep conditioner.

These are great if you love to rock your afro big. It makes fluffing your hair easy.

Every now and then, as a natural hair babe, it is important to oil your scalp and do your hot oil treatments. Applicator bottles are very handy for those because of its pointed tip.

A spray bottle is a good tool for spraying water into your when de-tangling or moisturizing your hair. You can mix some moisturizing or conditioning products with water and spray your hair with it. Think about how easy this sounds.

When buying hair bands, look out for the metal free ones. This is because, those ones with metals will snag your hair and cause breakage.

You know how annoying it can be when you want to work with one section of your hair but the rest of it want to join, that is why you need hair clips to keep those sections you aren’t working with away to make your work much easier.

Hey don’t forget your scissors, you would need them to trim splits ends.

These are some of the tools basic but required tools I personally use to maintain and manage my hair, if you have any favorites I have left out, please share in the comment box.

Have a great natural hair journey!!!!!!


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